Over the past 22 years, technology has changed rapidly. SRI is commonly involved in cases where CMV’s are so damaged that the digital data identifying speed, braking, clutch usage, throttle percent, etc. cannot be obtained without removing the engine control units and/or anti-lock brake modules. In the past we have had to send these engine control units and/or anti-lock brake modules to other companies to obtain this digital data.
Now, SRI has prominent in-house experts and the equipment to image these engine control units and anti-lock brake modules. Our newly purchased Synercon Smart Sensor Simulator 2 reduces and possibly eliminates the potential of setting fault codes in the digital data. Using the vehicle diagnostic adapter (VDA), the use of the Synercon Smart Sensor Simulator 2 gives the investigator the ability to image the truck ECM, ECU, and ABS modules while reducing the potential of setting additional fault codes within the module.
SRI offers imaging of these engine control units and anti-lock brake modules as part of any reconstruction case as well as on an individual basis. Contact us today for a FREE case evaluation. We are always here to help with you or your client’s needs!